Thursday, September 14

USA Politics

 The spokesperson for the Biden Administration said the impeachment of Biden pursuit by the House (controlled by Republicans) is baseless.

The spokesperson for the Trump Administration said the impeachment of Trump by the House (controlled by the Democrats) was baseless.

SO...  what is going on here?

Each party who has controlled of the House uses that power to start impeachment proceedings of the sitting President.

Why would they do this?

Despite what the media wants to report they cannot ignore the House opening up an impeachment investigation of the sitting President.



Another issue...

Ever action that President Trump took while he was President was UNDONE by President Biden when he became President right after Trump.


If the next President is a Republican, then that President will UNDO everything that Biden put into place.

What does that mean?

America makes no progress...  and, the people gets frustrated not really understanding what the hell is going on.


Americans are divided evenly which is rather amazing.

  • 50% of Americans support Republicans
  • 50% of Americans support Democrats

Question:  How does the USA make any progress?

Answer:  It doesn't

So...  again...  another issue...

What do our enemies think of the USA?

  • Does Russia fear us?
  • Does China fear us?
  • Does North Korea and/or Iran fear us?

Perhaps a better question is:  Does any global country respect the USA?

The answer to that question will definitely impact our future on both the short run and the long run...

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