Sunday, September 17

Death Over Life

 I am listening to an Audible book entitled CONFESSOR by Terry Goodkind.  The book is about ancient times, somewhere on earth is implied with magic, war wizards, everyday wizards, Sisters of Light, Sisters of Dark, Sorcerers,and Witches.  These people are the good guys.

The bad guys are the Imperial Order that believe in a Creator and an afterlife and want to bring and end to the world of magic.  The Imperial Order is cruel, brutal, and does not value life because the afterlife is more important than life wherever it is that they live.

This is the last book in a trilogy about the Imperial Order and the so called Sword of Truth.  I did not listen to the other two, but after listening to this book, it was written in such a way that it is not contingent upon the other two.  Although, I wish that I had listened to the other two first.

Not only is the plot of this novel turning the concept of religion upside down, but it also nonetheless poses some interesting questions and creates some interesting scenarios relative to one's faith...  and the concept of caring more about life after death than living life here on earth.

I think there is a creator because it is logical to think that way...  and, it is logical because of how complex the human body and mind are...  it seem a tad illogical that this happened as a result of evolution over thousands of years.

The Bible which is the basis for most religions claims that earth is only 6,000 years old.  That is impossible according to the carbon dating techniques of Science.  Therefore, at least that part of the Bible is in error which makes me wonder about all the other parts.

What I think is that our Creator (God if you will) is an extraterrestrial and monkeyed with our DNA to create the kind of human being that we are today...  allowing evolution to take us there once the tinkering had been done.

Now, back to CONFESSOR.  Can or will we ever reach a state in our existence where we value DEATH more than LIFE?  And, if that happens, will we not care about inflicting torture or death on our fellow man because we are sending them to a better place?

HOWEVER...  if the Bible is wrong, then there is no heaven, there is no better place after death...  dead is simply dead and that is all there is.

BUT THAT TOO IS ILLOGICAL...  Why do we simply live for 80-100 years and then we are done...  no more...  caput...  finished...  Does that even make sense?   If we are only going to live for that many years, then why give us life in the first place?


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