Friday, September 15

Blame Someone Else

 Ever since 2016, the Democrats have blamed DONALD TRUMP for everything that is wrong with the United States.

  • Inflation is because of Trump
  • Illegal immigration is because of Trump
  • Our weak economy is because of Trump
  • Crime and Violence is because of Trump
  • Russia invading Ukraine is because of Trump
  • Biden's botched withdrawal from Afghanistan was because of Trump
  • The political division in the USA is because of Trump
  • The increase in illegal drugs in the USA is because of Trump
  • All Trump supporters are anti-American and anti-Democracy

And...  this goes on and on and on...

Why is this happening?

It is the new strategy of the Democrats to portray their opposition as either Trump supporters or anti-American, anti-Democracy...  by creating this diversion, the general public will no longer focus on how they are destroying our country.

Democrats want to move towards SOCIALISM but want Capitalism to pay for that transition...  In so doing, capitalism will be damaged, maybe destroyed so who will maintain their socialistic government?

The Democrats do not want Americans to answer that question...  therefore, they blame Trump, and a diversion is created.

The Democrats want to SILENCE the Republicans and SILENCE all opposition to their philosophy and promises...  that direction alone will kill democracy because our Constitutional form of government is predicated on a two party system...  a two party system must have the voices and beliefs of both parties presented so that the general public can make intelligent decisions.  If your opposition has been silenced, then how can anyone make an intelligent decision?

But, let's blame Trump and the general public will not see that TRUTH...

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