Wednesday, September 6

America: The Beautiful

 There are places throughout Europe, Africa, Russia, China, Australia, South and Central America, and Canada that are incredibly beautiful...  so much so that they take one's breath away.

However, nothing can compare to the magnificence of the United States of America...  as it appears that we have it all.

  1. The massive Mississippi River
  2. The Grand Canyon
  3. The Rocky Mountains
  4. The Mountains of Alaska
  5. The beaches of Hawaii, the west and east coasts
  6. Hawaiian Surfing
  7. The Smoky Mountains
  8. The American farmlands
  9. The Great Lakes
  10. The Intercoastal Waterways
  11. The Finger Lakes
  12. The Wine Vineyards
  13. Outer Banks NC Fishing
  14. All our National Parks
  15. The Tennessee Valley Lakes

Additionally, we are sitting on top of a massive amount of petroleum crude oil as well as an abundance of other materials.  We have more colleges, universities, community colleges, and trade schools than any other country in the world.

BUT, our crowning achievement is not our people and all their talents, but the FREEDOMS that we give our people!!!

Nowhere in the world, does a group of people enjoy the FREEDOMS that we have here in this country.

It is our FREEDOMS that allow and enable us to pursue happiness and a high quality of life.

Think about all the WILD ANIMALS that live throughout AFRICA...  animals that are found nowhere else in the world...  These animals are more FREE than the people who live in that country.

There is a movement underway here in the US of A to eliminate some of these FREEDOMS but I do not think that the people will ever allow that to happen...  certainly not the SUPREME COURT whose job it is to define and interpret the US CONSTITUTION from which our FREEDOMS are derived.

America is beautiful and will continue to be beautiful because of what is found here and because of the FREEDOMS that exist here.


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