Monday, September 4

A Career in the Military

 My  father was in the military during WWII and remained in the reserves for 30 years.  He also worked for the Federal Government for 30 and received retirement pensions from both.  The government stopped paying pension after his generation retired.  Both pensions provided him with the same level of income that he had received while working.  A smart move on his part.

I was in the military for 6 years, 2 years active and 4 years reserve and did not continue...  hindsight:  I am sure this was he wrong move to make, but I cannot say that for sure.


I would have made a career out of the military and I will tell you why.

  • They provide you with uniforms.
  • They provide you free housing.
  • They provide you with free food.
  • They provide you with retirement.
If you decide to get married they provide you with a special allowance and if you have children, there is another special allowance awarded to you...  plus the cost of birth is free.

On base EXCHANGES called PXs have all sorts of goods available at cheaper prices than outside the base.

There is an enormous amount of money that can be saved by letting the military pay for most everything.  

Plus, if you joined at 18 after high school or at 22 after college, you could retire with a 20 year pension at age 38 or 42...  that would still give you an opportunity to receive the pension while working another job for 20 years, retiring a second time 58 or 62...

ADDITIONIONALLY, if your second job last longer than 40 quarters (10 years) then you are also eligible for Social Security.

Several people that I have known, worked in the military for 20 years and got their BA and MA degrees.  Then, they went to work for a Community College while getting their PhDs.  When they finally retired for good at 62-65-67, they received 3 retirement checks.
  • Military
  • Community College
  • Social Security
NOTE: after twenty years with the military, you are eligible for military healthcare for the rest of your life...  big savings in the long run.

CONCERN:  the possibility of being sent to a foreign war and dying...
A valid concern!!!

To offset that concern, DO NOT JOIN the Army or the Marines...
Your first choice should be Air Force, then Navy depending upon your specialization.
Regardless of specialization, the Air Force is the best choice.

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