Thursday, May 5

An Undeniable Fact

As long as we are blessed with life, there is a fact of life that we cannot avoid and that is this...  as long as we continue to age, our physical, mental, and emotional health will continue to decline, worsen, and/or deteriorate...  and, there is not a damn thing that we can do about it...  in some of us the process will be ever so gradual but in others, it will seem like the process has been accelerated for some reason...  it has little to do, if anything, with one's personality although many of us wish that acceleration be the case for some as a method of payback I suppose...  but bad health is not something I would wish for my favorite enemy let alone someone that I might truly despise or hate.

At 74 years of age, my physical health has been gradually declining ever since I reached 60 years of age with my body manifesting Lymphoma cancer, then a heart attack, various squamous carcinomas, then melanoma cancer appeared, thyroid and prostate issues, and now low back issues where my L3-L4-L5-S1 must be fused together in order for me to regain some of the mobility that I have recently lost.

I don't worry about what may happen next but I know that something will happen as my body will finally pay be back for all the abuse I put it through when I was younger,  My mind is not as clear as it once was but it seems more focused and the more I pursue areas of interest where I have the struggle for mental understanding the more I am preventing its decay.

My mental state is also in disarray as my anxiety issues and panic attack are more frequent than ever before and whether I worry about it or don't worry about it, these issues are still thrust upon me from time to time and when I least expect it.  My eyes are gradually losing their ability to see clearly and for the first time in my life, I am consulting an audiologist for hearing aids.

I spend more time sitting than I do standing or moving around and while I know that is not good, my sitting time is spent writing novels that may or may not be published but it gives me something to do and provides me with a sense of accomplishment when I write THE END.

As I look around at all the obese people, I wonder what their state of health will be in 10-20 maybe 30 years from now...  and I wonder the impact it will have on our fragile healthcare systems that can barely handle what is going on today...  just look at how we were impacted by COVID...

Our health is like our freedom...  we don't realize what we had until it is gone!!!

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