Saturday, May 28

Harnessing the Collective Will of Americans

According to Lawrence Torcello, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Rochester Institute of Technology:

In classical Athens, the birthplace of democracy, the democratic assembly was an arena filled with rhetoric unconstrained by any commitment to facts or truth. So far, so familiar.

Aristotle and his students had not yet formalized the basic concepts and principles of logic, so those who sought influence learned from sophists, teachers of rhetoric who focused on controlling the audience’s emotions rather than influencing their logical thinking.

There lay the trap: Power belonged to anyone who could harness the collective will of the citizens directly by appealing to their emotions rather than using evidence and facts to change their minds.

Does the above remind you of anything that is currently going on the the USA presently?  This is not a rhetorical question but a question about which you should seriously ponder your answer...   I would submit to you that both the liberals and the conservatives are currently trying to appeal to our emotions rather that use evidence and facts to change our minds...  although they do, from time to time, sprinkle their cereal comments with the sugar of truth, evidence, and facts...

Ironically, the liberals are trying to create a bureau of misinformation so that this bureau will be the sole provider or truth...  how controlling is that?

If our society in 2022 really wanted to hear the truth, why does mainstream media only print and promote one side of the story...  cases in point:
  • the russian collusion hoax
  • the hunter biden hoax
  • the real reason for inflation
  • the conservative voice canceled on college campuses
  • illegal drugs coming across our southern border
  • the covid pandemic being caused by the Chinese
  • voting laws that claim minority suppression
BOTH SIDES appealing to our EMOTIONS...

Can you imagine what might happen if the general public stampeded through a town like  a herd of buffalo?
Can you imagine what might happen at a beach resort if college students stampeded against the local police?

A DEMOCRACY is the rule of the MAJORITY even when the MAJORITY is WRONG...

How does a majority convince itself that it is right and the minority is wrong???

Majorities govern through self-fulfilling prophecies...

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