Tuesday, May 31

What is American Truth?


I did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016 nor did I vote for him in 2020...  I did not vote for him because I did not vote for anyone...  I did not vote because politicians whether Democrat or Republican, have had over 40 years to fix our problems and yet we still have the same problems in 2010 that we had in the decade of the 1960s...

Simply put, our politicians don't really give a shit...

Trump's economic policies were working (at least before COVID) and our economy was healthy and growing better and stronger than it had been in decades...  data is around to support that statement...

BUT, the Democrats, under the leadership of Hillary Clinton created a Russian/Trump Collusion Hoax that plagued his presidency for all of the four years that he was in office...  including the Mueller Investigation and the Impeachment proceedings by the House and Nancy Pelosi...

THIS WAS A LIE...  and the American public fell for this lie and made it worse...

If Trump was guilty then he should have been impeached but the Russian Hoax was a LIE...  a LIE perpetuated by Hillary Clinton and the Democrats along with the mainstream media...

How can Americans stand being LIED TO by the Democrats and the mainstream media?  

How does this LIE improve our country and our economy?

I don't really care if Hillary Clinton and her comrades go to jail or not...  but, what I do care about is how do I ever believe in the Democrats again?

This is the TRUTH that we, as Americans, must live with for the rest of our lives...

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