Thursday, May 26

INFLATION Woes and Concerns...

Ever since the Biden administration took over the reigns of our Federal Government, we have had a steady increase in prices which many refer to as inflation.

We bitch about the present administration but they are doing what their party wants them to do and that is put so much pressure on the gasoline industry that it collapses and everyone is forced to turn to electricity.

And while that transition is going to be a pain in the ass, it is inevitable, so we might as well get on board the electricity train.

YES...  electric vehicles are expensive but you do not have to buy the expensive version...  get the cheap model.

Once you have an EV you might as well kiss your vacations good bye...  for a while at least, because there are currently not enough charging stations to accomodate.

Trip to and from work and to and from doctors appts and to and from the grocery stores will be about the extent  of your travels unless you want to spend some time at a park having a picnic.

Food prices will cause many people living outside of a city, to start having gardens which should remind many of us about the early 1900s when most everyone had a backyard vege garden.

Americans will learn to create their own entertainment around the home or around the community by getting together with friends and relatives instead of doing the things that you used to do when there was plenty of cheap gasoline.

The entire socio-economic culture of our society will change...  less money being spent...  less restaurants...  less stores...  less spending...  less economic growth...  less money for schools, highways, bridges, sanitation...  less wages...

Some small towns will not survive...

What is really interesting here is the fact that the rest of the world like CHINA, RUSSIA, INDIA, AFRICA, SOUTH AMERICA will not be doing the same things that we are doing and will continue to use those natural resources because they are cheaper...


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