Sunday, September 12

Building a Global Community

The biggest problem with the world today is RELIGION and the fact that each religion perceives that they are correct and the other religions are wrong and are willing to die for their beliefs as they try to convert the rest of the world over to their beliefs...

As a rebuttlel to this religious frenzy, there is a growing number of people who believe in no religion at all...  and it is this group of people who actually might save the world from destruction because they have no beliefs that they are trying to force on others...

What is odd about all religions is that each set of beliefs is contingent upon one's faith that they are correct in what they believe or think that they believe because there is absolutely no PROOF whatsoever to support their religious claims.

We have many, if not all religions/philosophies that believe in a CREATOR or some kind of supreme being... l basically because it is logical to assume that there has to be a beginning and an ending to everything...  and yet, Stephen Hawking, one of the world's most intelligent human beings before he died believed in SPONTANEOUS CREATION which requires no creator at all...

BUT AGAIN, all speculation...  No proof...  No facts...

YET...  there is proof that most of the wars fought during the creation of the world were because of RELIGION and trying to force others to believe like someone else believes, rather than allowing each person to have their own beliefs.

One day when the world finally accepts visitors from the sky called extraterrestrials and that they visited earth and gave us knowledge so that our cultures and societies could advance, and that mankind took their visitations and created a religion around them...  then, we will be able to put aside our religious differences and work together on building a better global community...

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