Saturday, September 11

American Pride


The tragedy of 9/11 was horrific to say the least and the unnecessary lives lost...  and, the fact that it happened on American Soil that our military nor our National Security Agency or our CIA or our FBI could have prevented is the ultimate in incompetence...  however, we brought this on ourselves...  on our families...  on our sons and daughters simply because as Steppenwold said in their song MONSTER...  "we wanted the whole world to be like us..."

How wrong is all of this???

Deadly wrong apparantly...  and yet, we continue to stick our noses into the political and military affairs of other countries in the hopes that we can turn them into Americans...

Why do we think that the rest of the world should be like us?

  • We lead the world in the purchase of illegal drugs
  • Our educational system K-12 is no longer the best in the world
  • We have systematic racism all around us
  • We have a huge problem with obesity
  • We have a huge problem with alcohol
  • We have a huge problem with opioids
  • We are no longer a religious country
  • We have a 50% divorce rate
  • We have a huge amount of national debt
  • Wealthy people hide their money from taxes
  • We never fix any of our problems
  • Our Justice systems favors the wealthy
  • We cannot control crime in our cities
  • Businesses only care about profits
  • Our political parties cannot compromise
AMERICA is no longer the great country she once was...  unless you are wealthy and then you don't notice what has happened...  Politicians care more about their prospects for re-election than they do about improving the quality of life for the people...  outside of making the wealthy people pay for it which cause resentment and further division.

AND YET, this is still the best country in the world in which to live...  so, you can just imagine what the rest of the countries are like...

Economic Forecasting Models show that the global economy is moving away from the USA and towards China and Asia, and between 2030 and 2050, America will loose its global economic dominance....


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