Monday, September 13

A Divided America

The United States of America is currently divided on several fronts:

  1. White/Black
  2. Male/Female
  3. Wealthy/Poor
  4. Leader/Follower
  5. Biased News/Unbiased News
  6. Religious/Non Religious
  7. Low taxes/High Taxes
  8. Big Government/Small Government
  9. Educated/Not Educated
  10. Healthy/Not Healthy
  11. Urban Living/Rural Living
  12. North/South
  13. Socialism/Capitalism
  14. Large military/Small military
  15. Liberals/Conservatives
  16. Democrat/Republican
  17. Obesity/Not Obese
  18. Abortion/No Abortion
  19. Guns/No Guns
  20. Open Borders/Closed Borders
  21. Black Lives Matter/All Lives Matter
  22. Legal Marijuana/Illegal Marijuana
  23. Defund Police/Fund Police
  24. CRT/Non CRT

AND...  every 4 years, we elect the same representation or different representation to manage our country depending upon whether or not the news is good or bad...

These are just some of our freedoms that we enjoy and many of us take for granted because we have never served in the military and had to protect those freedoms from extinction....

Most people cannot appreciate SHIT until it has been taken away from them...  and, once it has been taken away from them, it is too late to get it back...  at least in a timely manner...  getting it back could take years or decades...

Another issue, that a divided country does not appreciate is the fact that other countries can easily take over a country that is divided as opposed to one that is united in a common belief and/or philosophy...   This is easily evidenced by those people who believe in Islam and in the death to ALL CHRISTIANS and all NON BELIEVERS whether they be Christian or not...

It is no longer my place to try and keep America UNITED...  I have little interest in whether or not America maintains its status or looses it because of ignorance and arrogance and egotistical stupidity.  My vested interest nowadays is ejoying my retirement and making the most out of each of my remaining days...  as whether you believe this or not...  old age happens quickly and unexpectedly...  and, once you have it, you cannot go back under any circumstances.

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