Tuesday, August 11

Living On Borrowed Time

A few years ago while receiving chemo treatment, I was informed by my Oncologist after a taking a PET scan that while the melanoma that had been removed from my left foot 5 years ago (without any followup treatment) had metastasized to the left side of my groin with a vengeance and that I was being referred to a Surgical Oncologist to see if surgery of the Melanoma was again an option.  My surgical oncologist, after reviewing the most recent PET scan told my wife and I that I was living on borrowed time.

We both rode home after that comment in a stupor not saying a word to each other...

Neither of us believe that the Surgical Oncologist had not done his homework but what we do believe is that he was not thorough in doing his homework and after reviewing the PET scan images made the assumption that everything that was highlighted was Melanoma when in fact that is was a combination of Melanoma and Lymphoma.

Shortly after that meeting, I met with the Radiologist who told my wife and I that the latest and greatest treatment for my kind of Melanoma was concentrated radiation followed up with Opdivo infusions because the data was showing that the radiation supercharged the Opdivo as it attacked the Melanoma.

Fortunately, my body responded PERFECTLY and my results were exactly what the data showed...  When a lump was removed a year later from my neck, we were again informed by that same Surgical Oncologist that he removed lymph nodes and DEAD MELANOMA.

I still have a few lumps on the left side of my groin that I have been told is more than likely dead Melanoma.

It is interesting to note here that my attitude towards life has changed and I know see each day as a gift and try to make the most of each day and sometimes I recall the living on borrowed time comment, but for the most part I just appreciate each day and be positive about whatever life bring my/our way.

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