Showing posts with label Baseball All Star Game. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baseball All Star Game. Show all posts

Saturday, April 3

The Devil Came Out of Georgia

You would need to be half BRAIN DEAD if you do not know that Baseball's All Star Game was pulled out of Atlanta because the WOKE Mob believes that these new VOTING LAWS that the Georgia Legislature just recently passed are RACISTS...

Even President Biden said he supported moving the baseball game out of Georgia and along with President Biden Delta Airlines decided that they would use their corporate power to make Georgia regret what they did.

no one
not even the President of the United States
must have read the actual law because
everything that President Biden said on National TV about the law was a LIE...

What bothers me more than anything else is not so much that President Biden relied on advisors and still put his foot in his mouth but the CEO of Delta made his decision on something that was not true...  How many decisions has this CEO made during his tenure that was based upon data that was NOT TRUE...

It makes one wonder how the hell he got to be a CEO in the first place.

Atlanta may lose 100 million because of that game being moved...  but I am sure that Delta will be paying for it because the Governor is going to remove all of Delta's TAX BREAKS...  and, it is not going to be that easy to move Delta's HUB out of Atlanta and if they did...  where would they go?

Two things here are going to happen...  at least for me...
1.  I am going to stop flying on Delta
2.  I am going to stop watching MLB