Showing posts with label Government Corruption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Government Corruption. Show all posts

Saturday, August 26

The Reasons Why the Bidens Got Away with It

Joe Biden and his family have been influence peddling for more than a decade. But when he became Vice President under Barack Obama, the family syndicate kicked it into overdrive to score tens of millions of dollars from the very countries over which the Veep was put in charge of foreign policy. Let’s call it the "Great Selling Out of America." It deserves a monument in Washington for outstanding achievement in graft and bribery.

The Bidens have always gotten away with it. 
Three reasons.

First, they were good at corruption. When Hunter demanded $10 million from a Beijing partner controlled by the Chinese Community Party, he boasted in a message, "The Biden’s (sic) are the best I know at doing exactly what the Chairman wants." Days later, millions began flowing to the Biden-controlled accounts. Access to Joe and promises of future influence were bought and paid for.

The second reason why "Joe incorporated" managed to evade criminal charges is because his collaborators were skilled at covering up the cash. Hunter (aka "the bagman") set up a complex web of shell companies to funnel millions of dollars. The payola was then cleansed by hard-to-trace wire transfers that shuffled it through one account after another before landing in the greedy hands of Joe’s immediate relatives who did nothing to earn a penny of it.

The third reason is that the government willfully chose to look the other way. Documents show that many top members of Obama’s administration knew and were alarmed. But they scarcely lifted a finger to stop it. Meanwhile, the FBI and the Department of Justice worked sedulously to suppress and bury the incriminating evidence. They exerted brazen political interference to make the probe disappear into a black hole of ignored crimes that mobsters can only dream about.  READ MORE...