Showing posts with label Wapo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wapo. Show all posts

Friday, April 8

The Hunter Biden Scandal

Attacks from the mainstream media and an investigative DOJ probe comprise the latest chatter surrounding Hunter Biden's email scandal, but as former deniers arrive at the consensus that Biden's dealings with China warrant skepticism, Fox Nation digs deeper.

A new live episode from Fox Nation hosted by Fox News commentator and legal analyst Gregg Jarrett succeeds the four-part "Who is Hunter Biden?" series which shaped the backstory and the scandals plaguing President Biden's son.

This time, Jarrett dives into the latest bombshell developments surrounding Hunter Biden and hosts a discussion surrounding the potential ethical violations associated with his dealings with China – violations the mainstream media, for months, labeled as "Russian disinformation."

"Why has The New York Times, The Washington Post and CNN now reluctantly, begrudgingly and belatedly – 16, 17 months later – come out and said ‘oops, the laptop’s real, it's authentic, yes, there are incriminating emails contained therein?'" Jarrett asked during the episode's panel segment.

Jarrett theorized two possible reasons mainstream outlets elected to ignore the steaming Hunter Biden scandal until it reached an overboil.  READ MORE...