Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts

Monday, December 11

In the NEWS

Penn Reckoning

University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill resigned Saturday amid backlash over remarks made during a congressional hearing about on-campus antisemitism Tuesday. Reports of antisemitic harassment have increased at US universities since the start of the Israel-Hamas war two months ago, prompting scrutiny of those institutions' responses. A major donor withdrew a $100M partnership with Penn Thursday as a protest of Magill's comments.

Diamond Deal
Shohei Ohtani, one of baseball's biggest stars, will depart the Los Angeles Angels and head across town to the Los Angeles Dodgers after signing a contract reportedly worth $700M. In total value, the 10-year deal is believed to be the biggest contract signed by any athlete in global sports history.

Texas Abortion Battle

The Texas Supreme Court paused a lower court's ruling over the weekend allowing a Dallas-area woman to receive an abortion despite the state's new laws limiting access to the procedure. The case is believed to be the first of its kind in the US since Roe v. Wade was overturned last June.

This Princeton grad's startup raised $161M to help people plan for retirement.

If you're one of the whopping 110 million Americans over age 50—or a wise Millennial looking to get ahead—SmartAsset's no-cost tool makes it easy to find vetted financial advisors who serve your area. Research suggests that people who work with a financial advisor could end up with 15% more money to spend in retirement


  • European Union reaches world's first comprehensive set of regulations for AI; plan creates a risk ranking system for different types of AI and allows consumers to file complaints against platforms (More)
  • Paleontologists discover 75-million-year-old fossil of a Gorgosaurus, a species of tyrannosaur from what is now western North America, with its final two meals preserved in its stomach (More)
  • Physicists demonstrate optical tweezers—focused laser beams that can hold and move tiny objects—which can position single molecules so precisely they can be used for quantum computing (More)

Tuesday, October 11

Not Just Abortion Says Bernie

With just four weeks to go until this year's midterm elections, independent Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont is urging the Democratic Party to discuss issues besides abortion rights.

In an op-ed published in The Guardian on Monday, the two-time Democratic presidential candidate made the case that while abortion remains an important issue — particularly in the wake of the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade in June — the party risks letting Republican messages on the economy go unanswered.

"This is a fight that most Americans want us to wage and, given the Republicans' extremist position on the issue, makes them genuinely vulnerable," Sanders wrote of abortion rights, before declaring that he's "alarmed to hear the advice that many Democratic candidates are getting from establishment consultants and directors of well-funded Super Pacs that the closing argument of Democrats should focus only on abortion."  READ MORE...

Tuesday, October 4

14 Year Old Denied Lifesaving Drug

A 14-year-old girl in Tucson, Arizona, was denied refill of a lifesaving drug—methotrexate (MTX)—she had been taking for years over fears that she would use the medication for abortion purposes.

For years, Emma Thompson has been relying on low, weekly doses of MTX to treat her juvenile idiopathic arthritis, a form of the condition in children that can cause serious complications, including growth problems and joint damage, which MTX slows down.

But at higher doses, MTX can be used to end ectopic pregnancies, where a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus.

This is why the girl's doctor, Deborah Jane Power, thinks Thompson was denied her prescribed medication, only three days after Arizona's new abortion law had taken into effect.  READ MORE...

Monday, May 9

SCOTUS Hypocrisy

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) pulled no punches while delivering a scathing speech on Thursday after Justice Samuel Alito’s opinion justifying the intention to overturn Roe v. Wade was leaked. Gillibrand commanded all the attention deserving of her well-placed anger, addressing not just Alito, but all men.

“I would like to speak to America’s men for one minute. Imagine you do not have authority over your own body for 10 months. Imagine if that decision-making would be taken away even if you would die in childbirth, even if you couldn’t decide who you’re having children with, even if you couldn’t decide when you were having that child,” the New York Senator vehemently declared.

Gillibrand’s remarks echoed the sentiment of women across the nation at that moment, watching in horror as 50 years of precedent and reproductive health care choice is on the precipice of being stripped away.

The righteously indignant Gillibrand called out the GOP-appointed Justices who sat before the Senate Judiciary Committee during their own confirmation hearings and vowed to respect the constitutional law, including Justices Kavanaugh, Barrett, Gorsuch, and Alito himself. At Alito’s own hearing in 2006, the right-wing activist justice had this to say about the court’s reliance on precedents:  READ MORE...

Friday, January 7

WELL... Well... well...


I Was Conceived in Rape But I’m Glad I Wasn’t Aborted. I Did Not Deserve Death for My Father’s Crime...

If you want to read this article, click here...

Friday, March 26

Take Care of Me


I want FREE healthcare

I want FREE housing

I want an increase in Social Security

I want FREE education

I want a guaranteed income

I want the wealthy Americans to share their wealth

I want the police to be defunded

I want the black people to always be given the advantage

I want an end to white privilege

I want only black law enforcement personnel

I want the conservative voice to be permanently censored

I want our government to control all businesses

I want businesses to be forced to employ workers

I want our military to be substantially reduced

I want an end to petroleum crude oil and natural gas

I want an end to gasoline cars

I want an end to interstate speed limits

I want illegal drugs to be legalized and taxed like alcohol\

I want white pregnancies to be aborted

I want it to be illegal for black females to have an abortion

Tuesday, October 20

Interpreting Our US Constitution

In the context of United States law, originalism is a concept regarding the interpretation of the Constitution that asserts that all statements in the constitution must be interpreted based on the original understanding "at the time it was adopted".

Textualism is a mode of interpretation that focuses on the plain meaning of the text of a legal document. Textualism usually emphasizes how the terms in the Constitution would be understood by people at the time they were ratified, as well as the context in which those terms appear.

  1. James Madison wrote the Constitution in 1787
  2. Of the 55 Convention delegates, about 25 owned slaves. Many of the framers harbored moral qualms about slavery. Some, including Benjamin Franklin (a former slave-owner) and Alexander Hamilton (who was born in a slave colony in the British West Indies) became members of antislavery societies.
  3. The Northern delegates and others opposed to slavery wanted to count only free persons, including free blacks in the North and South. ... Minimizing the percentage of the slave population counted for apportionment reduced the political power of slaveholding states.
  4. Of our FOUNDING FATHERS:  Samuel Adams, John Adams, & Thomas Paine NEVER OWNED SLAVES
  5. Slave/Slavery was only mentioned indirectly in the US CONSTITUTION
  7. When did the US get independence from Great Britain?  JULY 4, 1776...
  8. It took 11 years for ALL THE STATES to RATIFY the US CONSTITUTION
  9. All US SLAVES were freed January 1, 1863
  10. In 1870, the 15th Amendment was ratified to prohibit states from denying a male citizen the right to vote based on “race, color or previous condition of servitude." "Black suffrage" in the United States in the aftermath of the American Civil War explicitly referred to the voting rights of black men only.
  11.  In 1920, the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution gave WOMEN the right to vote


  1. Is it FAIR to use the concepts of textualism and and originalism when interpreting the US CONSTITUTION since our BLACK population was not given RIGHTS until 75+ years later? 
  2. Is it fair to use the concepts of textualism and originalism when interpreting the US CONSTITUTION since it was UNDERSTOOD AT THE TIME OF THE WRITTING of the US Constitution that half of the delegate to the Constitutional Convention did not own slaves and were struggling with the slavery issue?
  3. Is it fair to use the concepts of textualism and originalism when interpreting the US CONSTITUTION when it comes to understanding how our Founding Father felt towards women when it comes to interpreting what rights do women actually have under the US Constitution?
  4. Is it fair to use the concepts of textualism and originalism when interpreting the US CONSTITUTION when it come time to decide whether or not we should as nation whether or not we should regulate firearms, especially since our Founding Father had just formed a new country and had not yet built up a military or a National Guard?

Personal Comments:
It simply does not seem fair or logical for our Court System to use how our Founding Fathers were thinking in their minds and how the words they used were interpreted back in 1787 to decide ALL ISSUES coming before the courts because there have been substantial changes like gun violence, abortion, discrimination, and equal rights with which our FOUNDING FATHERS never had to deal with at the time the Constitution was written, therefore their mental thoughts and word usages seems rather pointless and meaningless in today's world.