Tuesday, March 5

Global Warming - Green Energy

There has been and will continue to be a HUGE push by the Democrats for the USA to GO GREEN and set the example for the rest of the world...

Honorable and Admirable...  but economic lunacy.

The Democrats want to STOP USING petroleum crude oil (gasoline) for automobiles and have everyone buy an EV...

  • The average American cannot afford an EV
  • There are not enough charging stations to support EVs from coast to coast
  • EVs do not have good resale value
  • There is a high cost of battery replacement

Now, there may be more people that buy hybrids because they are cheaper and you don't need a charging station, but the hybrid still needs GASOLINE.


China, Russia, India, Africa, the Middle East, and possibly South & Central America HAVE NO PLANS TO GO GREEN AND DO AWAY WITH GASOLINE.

How stupid are we in the USA???

We are no longer respected as the leader of the world and other countries no longer want to follow us.

Therefore, all our investments to GO GREEN will be wasted because it will not help the world as whole.

MEANWHILE...  as the economy of the USA grows slow because of our transition to EVs and going green, the other major countries like China, Russia, and India will be building their economies and using gasoline.

YES, but all these countries at the UN said they would go green....
THEY LIED -  telling everyone what they wanted to hear - politicians are basically stupid because they think they are the only ones that lie.

At their present rate of growth, China by 2030 will have a larger GDP than the USA.  China will have the largest population in the world followed by India.

China has announced they want to take the global leadership position away from the USA...
The USA does not believe that will ever happen...

The first country to dominate their economy with humanoid robots instead of human beings, will have a HUGE economic advantage because the biggest cost to a company is their LABOR COSTS...  why in the hell do you think we manufacture so much overseas...


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