Monday, March 18

North America's Soap Opera

 For those of you who do not watch the news or watch the news but get a slanted perspective, then I applaud you for your tenacity and will power.

Unfortunately, there are a group of people who do watch the news from an unbiased point-of-view, however, it is damn near impossible to be 100% unbiased...  and, anyone with half a brain knows this.

I watch FOX News who leans conservatively but does the best job of presenting both sides of the story which is, in essence, is what the NEWS was designed to do in the first place.

For those of you who are not news followers, let me share with you what is going on...

First --  there are about 10 million documented illegal immigrants currently in this country and that number could possibly double if and when the undocumented are found and counted.  With them they bring: criminals, disease, fentanyl, rapists, murderers; they don't speak English and have no technical skills.

The current administration wants to call these illegals newcomers.

Second --   ex-President Donald Trump has been charged with 91 felonies that under normal circumstances, the DOJ or DA's would have never charged.  Trump is being charged because the opposition wants to destroy him - just like what would happen in countries like Russia, China, and Iran.

Trump's words and actions have hurt him substantially but that is no reason to destroy the man.

Third --  One of the trials in GA had the DA and Attorney lovers before the court trial started and both lawyers LIED about their relationship.  The judge, ruled that one had to go but the other could stay, even though both were guilty.  The judge also admonished the DA for playing the RACE CARD.

The judge is up for re-election which is why he did what he did (more then likely) but have given plenty reasons for Trump's lawyers to appeal this case to a higher court.

Fourth --  Biden keeps spending money like a drunken sailor and our national debt keeps going up and up...  but that is not the funny part, the blacks are now saying that they should not have to pay taxes in lieu of reparation because of slavery.

I don't know about you, but if that happens, a lot of White Americans will be enormously PISSED OFF.

Fifth --  Biden will not be prosecuted on removing classified documents because he is old with a bad memory...   Here's the JOKE -  Old Biden with a bad memory is in charge of our NUCLEAR LAUNCH CODES.

Don't know about you but that scares the hell out of me...

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