Monday, March 4

Change in the USA

 Life in the United States is changing and while some believe it is for the better, others believe it is for the worse.

What do I believe?

I don't believe either way...  because change is inevitable, and it does not matter if that change is good or bad because it will change again...

The thing about change is that it is always SHORT TERM...  change never really lasts that long, especially when all younger generations REJECT the societies that their parents created.

Look at marriage in the USA...  for the last 10 years, the divorce rate has remained at 50% which means both MALES & FEMALES wanted change...  I say that because not all divorces are initiated by the female because their husbands cheated...  wives are cheating as well.

After WWII, the USA wanted to build a strong military so that it could take care of the rest of the world...  and, because other countries did not appreciate what the USA was trying to do, they rebelled.

Now we have generation that does not want to build a strong military.  Their reasons for this are varied but basically, they do not want to go to war and do not want to send money to countries who are engaged in war.  Instead, they want to spend that money on social programs here at home.

There was a recent study conducted by someone whose results yielded the fact that a majority of Americans 18-35 years old, do not believe in DEMOCRACY and want to change into SOCIALISM.

These people will soon hold positions of leadership if they are not there already.

The USA will change again.

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