Thursday, October 12

Interesting Development

Our current demographics:

Whites            60%

Blacks             12%

Hispanics        19%

Asian                6%

Other                3%

Hispanics basically include all Spanish speaking peoples

The Blacks currently have it out for the whites as a result of slavery and consider all whites because of their 60% demographic to be WHITE SUPREMACISTS...

While many white argue against that generalize description, there are many others that want to bend over backwards to appease the black population in the USA...

I cannot say if that is right or wrong, justified or not justified because I personally had nothing to do with slavery and I resent being pulled into that kind of debate simply because I am white.


Blacks are now facing a more serious problem and that is all the brown people that are illegally crossing the border.

These brown people are taking over the towns and cities that the blacks used to control.  They are getting housing or being put up in hotels to get them off the streets.

Currently, Hispanics outnumber the blacks by only 6%...  but, as their numbers continue to increase, this percentage could increase to as high as a 10% discrepancy.

With these numbers the brown with overcome the blacks by sheer numbers...

If there are browns that enter illegally with ties to the Mexican Drug Cartel, they will begin to take control of drug sales away from the blacks.

Those browns who are not associated with the Cartels, are coming here to work and will be taking jobs away from the blacks because they will be willing to work for less money.

Also, all the so-called white supremacists will have no choice but to cater to the browns because of their numbers, further pissing off the blacks...

The Democrats opened the borders to gain extra votes from the Republicans and did not count on nor did they expect that this outcome would result.  White Supremacy will be saved by illegal browns entering the country...



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