Monday, October 23

The Sky is Falling

The name "Chicken Little" and the fable's central phrase The sky is falling! have been applied to people accused of being unreasonably afraid, or those trying to incite an unreasonable fear in those around them.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary shows 1895 as the first use of the name "Chicken Little" to refer to "one who warns of or predicts calamity, especially without justification".

For several months perhaps longer, I have been predicting that the USA is getting themselves into a huge mess if they continue with the policies of the current administration...  namely a push toward green energy and the elimination of fossil fuels and gasoline powered vehicles...

It not that we should not move in that direction, but we are moving in that direction TOO QUICKLY...
Because of the following:
  1. Roller Coaster Inflation
  2. Insufficient Infrastructure
  3. Crime and Violence
  4. National Debt
  5. Personal Debt
  6. Devaluation of the dollar
  7. Artificial Intelligence
  8. Illegal Immigration
  9. A Divided Population
  10. Our Enemies
    1. China
    2. Russia
    3. North Korea
    4. Iran
    5. BRICS
We are a country in search of its future that is having a difficult time finding its purpose in the world because of its internal division.  We are no longer united and that is dangerous for us because it gives our enemies leverage over us.

Do you really think we have the money to support two wars?  UKRAINE/RUSSIA and ISRAEL/HAMAS-HEZBOLLAH-IRAN
While at the same time we weaken our own economy because of this push towards GREEN energy...

All these illegal immigrants will be a drain on our resources as there are only a few jobs for them to fill...

And then we have AI which is moving forward at an accelerated pace, eliminating jobs...  although, we are job that just as many jobs will be created as lost...  if you believe that, I have some swamp land in Florida, I'd like to sell you...  lol

The sky is falling and it is doing so gradually...  and, we are all going to be perceived as BOILING FROGS...

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