Wednesday, October 25

A Declining USA

The America of my youth is no longer the America of my dreams...

What a bold statement to make.

Let me explain.

One of the greatest freedoms that Americans at birth have, are the first and second amendments to the US Constitution.

African Americans or blacks do not feel this way because they believe the US Constitution was written for WHITE FOLKS ONLY.

And they do make a good argument if that is all they look at.  But the US Constitution was written for FREE PEOPLE who wanted to stay free and while blacks were not initially included they were included later as the whites realized their mistake.

So...  case closed!!!

My concern now is that my first amendment rights are being infringed upon because the liberals are trying to SILENCE all conservative voices.  And, while that is not as bad as slavery, there are millions of conservative blacks.

Many of my friends like the second amendment and have purchased all sorts of firearms.  Personally, I don't give a shit a owning firearms.  When it comes my time to die, I'm going to die whether I am holding a gun or not.

The other issue that bothers me about this new country of ours, is the fact that we are moving away from capitalism and into socialism.  IRONICALLY, it is capitalism that must be present to fund socialism, or it bankrupts the country.

Personally, I don't want the government owning everything and telling me what I can or cannot do, like abortion.  The government should not dictate to me or my wife whether or not we should have an abortion.  That is between my wife and I.

The government should not tell me how old I have to be to drive a car, join the military, and buy and consume an alcoholic drink.

I remember during the Vietnam War, several military personnel were sent over to Vietnam to kill the enemy and those that returned, could not order an alcoholic drink because they were under 21 in some states.  

They could KILL but not DRINK!!!

How absurd...

The more programs the government wants to provide the higher our taxes go and many of those programs DO NOT BENEFIT the people that are paying taxes.

This country used to be great, especially in education but now we are ranked number 15 when we used to be number 1.

Who is to blame?

  • The parents
  • The students
  • The teachers
  • The system

When the USA becomes no better than any other country in the world, do you think you will really want to continue to live here???

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