Friday, October 13

Friday the 13th

Origin story. It's hard to know exactly when Friday the 13th became thought of as unlucky, but it likely comes from the Christian religion. For example, in the Bible, Judas—a person who is said to have betrayed Jesus—was the 13th guest at the Last Supper. Also in the Bible, many unfortunate things happened on Fridays.

Bad luck surrounding Friday the 13th is believed to come from Friday being the day of Jesus Christ's crucifixion.

On their own, both the day and the number have been considered unlucky throughout history.

It is said never to begin trips by boat on Fridays, or the weekday of Christ's death, and some say never to begin any trip on the day. Winston Churchill despised traveling on Fridays, and if he did, he carried a lucky walking stick. The poet George Gordon Byron believed Fridays unlucky, but once chose to travel on a Friday anyway. He died soon after … on a Friday.

For me, Friday the 13th has always been just another day in the life, not particularly good and not particularly bad.  But what really amazes me most of all is the fact that so many people are superstitious.

The concept of superstition began as the Greek word deisidaimonia (δεισιδαιμνοία), which in the 4th century bce had the positive meaning 'scrupulous in religious matters'; but a century later it had acquired a more negative meaning, inching it closer to our modern understanding of superstition.

SUPERSTITION Definition -  excessively credulous belief in and reverence for supernatural beings. a widely held but unjustified belief in supernatural causation leading to certain consequences of an action or event, or a practice based on such a belief

Now all of a sudden, we are looking at the supernatural...  ghosts, goblins, spirits, etc.  Who in their right mind would ever believe in the supernatural...?

On the other hand, isn't God perceived as some sort of supernatural being the created everything.   I mean, to create the world in which we live, that person has got to be some sort of a superhuman person, if in fact, God is human at all.  It is said that he made man in his image...  but that is not evidence that he himself is human.  How would such a human get such an ability?

When Jesus arose from the dead, he was in a spirit form...  which relates back to the supernatural and the definition of superstition.


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