Monday, October 9

Causes of Death

Below are the top 10 causes of death, which accounted for 75.4% of all deaths. 
  1. Heart disease: 695,547
  2. Cancer: 605,213
  3. COVID-19: 416,893
  4. Accidents: 224,935
  5. Stroke: 162,890
  6. Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 142,342
  7. Alzheimer’s disease: 119,399
  8. Diabetes: 103,294
  9. Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis: 56,585
  10. Kidney disease: 54,358

Currently, I am in a battle with the TOP TWO:  Heart Disease and Cancer...

Actually, I have been fighting these TOP TWO since 2008...

As far as the cancer is concerned, I am dealing with two cancers:
  • Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma 2008
  • Melanoma 2013

I am not sure what caused my cancers...  could have been the luck of the draw or it could have been the chemicals I was working with in the job I had while attending college.  Not really sure and I am not sure if the reason really matters.

My heart issues can only be attributed to stress as all the other predispositions for a heart attack and heart disease, I did not have...  go figure?

But if it was stress, then it was because I did not manage my stress well.  

For those of you who might be in my situation with stress, now is the time to think about what you are doing and change it.
  • Smoking does not eliminate stress
  • Alcohol does not eliminate stress
  • Marijuana does not eliminate stress
What these things do is temporarily hide the stress so you don't think you have any stress.

There is a root cause for stress and that must first be identified.

One of the best ways to remove stress is change your job, if your job is causing you your stress.  If you cannot change your job, then create an exercise routine and follow the Mediterranean Diet as best as you can. 

However, it goes without saying that you must stop smoking and drinking alcohol...  and, for many of us that is going to be difficult.

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