Saturday, October 7

Building an AI Military

While it is not moving ahead at an accelerated pace, the movement to have an AI military is in progress...

  • Will it take 5 years - 2028?
  • Will it take 10 years - 2033?

What will an AI military look like?

  • Instead of having human bodies fight a ground war, the military will have robots, AI enhanced to fight the war.
  • Instead of having human bodies on a naval ship, we will have robot sailors, AI enhanced.
  • Instead of having human bodies fly a jet fighter, we will have robot pilots, AI enhanced.

What is interesting here in the sense of its inevitability is that this will happen...  it is not conjecture or speculation, it is a reality that will take place sooner than later.

Obviously, there will be human bodies still in the military in a variety of positions, but eventually they will be replaced as well.

Military Forecasting Experts all agree that our global militaries will be mostly Robots with AI enhancement by 2050.  This is only a little more than 25 years ahead.  

If you think about this logically, it makes sense to send robots with AI enhancements to fight wars rather than human beings.

With that in mind, it will encourage wars rather than discourage wars since very few human beings will ever be involved.

Can you imagine what it would be like if Vladimir Putin sent robots into Ukraine rather than human beings?  That would have changed Putin's aggression tremendously.  Actually, he would have been more aggressive than he has been.  

And then you would have Ukraine fighting the Russian Robots with their own robots.  It would be more costly but human lives would have been saved...  providing no fighter bombers with robot pilots drop their bombs on Ukraine...  then, human lives will be involved.

Is this the way we want to fight wars in the future?  Or do we want to find some way to stop wars altogether?


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