Wednesday, October 4

An American Tragedy

Orson Wells, the famous Hollywood Actor/Director said there are two great tragedies in this world of ours:

  • Not getting what you want
  • Getting what you want

Take a minute or two and think about the implications of what he is saying, then reflect on this statement...


It has been this way since 2000

Obviously, this is a result of getting what you want...

Can you imagine how many children grow up in one parent homes?
Can you imagine the mental trauma through which they are constantly experiencing?
Will these sons and daughters be successful?
Will they get married and divorce like their parents?

It is difficult on children growing up with two parents, so I can just imagine what it would be like with only one parent.
Can the mother fill the role of the father?
Can the father fill the role of the mother?

I am sure this happens all the time, but these single parent adults are the exception to the rule not the rule.

If we think about what might happen to children with only one parent, maybe we should change our mind about abortion...  that is to say, maybe we should start encouraging abortion rather than discouraging it...
I do not support abortion.
I support a woman's right to choose.
But what is worse abortion or single parent families?

Success and Happiness like beauty is in the eye of the beholder...  so, who's to say that these children will not be successful or happy.  Who's to say that these children will not become criminals or drug dealers because they only had a single parent.

Life is a crap shoot...  children of divorce are like playing with loaded dice.

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