Sunday, October 8

American Education

 Forty-eight percent of Americans have a college degree.

Asian Americans have the highest level of education with TWO-THIRDS of them having some sort of college education even if it is only an Associate's Degree.

According to PISA tests of academic achievement, the USA ranks somewhere between 17th and 31st out of 65 countries.


Can you believe that???

  • The USA ranks near the bottom in math skills.
  • The USA ranks near the bottom in English skills.
  • The USA ranks near the bottom in Science skills.

As far as the demographics are concerned, American Blacks consistently rank below Asians, Whites, and Hispanics.

  • Will MONEY fix this discrepancy???
  • Will BLM fix this discrepancy???
  • Will CRT fix this discrepancy???
  • Will WOKE fix this discrepancy???
  • Will SOCIALISM fix this discrepancy???
NO... is the answer to all of these...

The only solution is to hire teachers that want to TEACH... 
  • Teaching is not using powerpoints.
  • Teaching is not using videos.
  • Teaching is not using lectures.
  • Teaching is not getting students to memorize to pass.

TEACHING is teaching students to teach themselves.
TEACHING is learning by doing...  homework helps with that but it is not the only solution.
  • How do I use math to be a carpenter?
  • How do I use math to be an electrician?
  • How do I use math to create a budget or balance my checkbook?
  • How do I use math to invest/save for my future?
  • How do I use math to decide if to rent or buy?

The same kinds of questions can be used for English and Science.  
Not all teachers want to put in this kind of work to earn their paychecks.

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