Sunday, July 16

Who is to Blame?

It would be simplistic and lazy to say the Republicans will blame the Democrats and the Democrats will blame Trump and white supremacy...  but the fact remains that our problems here in the USA have been building up for decades...  in fact, the same problems that we see today and the same problems that we saw in the 1960s....  over 50 years ago...

Why has nothing been solved?

  1. Elected officials are more concerned with re-election than solving problems
  2. Elected officials get wealthy in office
  3. The American public is generally apathetic about politics
  4. Improvements could hurt the economy
  5. The politicians want us mad at each other rather than mad at them
  6. The USA is controlled by billionaires and their financial contributions
  7. Racism is a great ticket to run on either for or against
  8. Corporations and Lobbyists have been influencing politics for decades
  9. The American people want big government because it means more social programs
  10. Minority groups have been influencing politics for decades
  11. Our society wants to keep the public in debt so they will not have a reason to stop working
  12. Global markets are more important than domestic markets

These initiatives began in the late 1950s early 1960s and really escalated in the 1980s & 1990s so that when the 2000s rolled around, it was easy for minorities to take the lead and focus, especially Blacks using slavery as the political leverage.

Joe Biden ran on a ticket of UNITY but when he got into office UNITY was the last thing on his mind.  The country is more divided now than it has ever been.  Trump has two indictments with which to deal and Biden is facing a wall of corruption that his son opened to door to by forgetting about his laptop.

Mainstream media is covering up Biden's faults and mistakes because they perceive a worse threat from Trump.

While the mainstream media is not on my initial list, they deserve a lot of credit for covering up.

Everything and Everyone is to blame.  Nothing will change until we look at ourselves and say we are the enemy.

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