Friday, July 28

Living a Quality Life Financially - Part 1

 If you are unfortunate enough to be a member of the middle class or lower in this great country, we call the US of A...  then, you do not have to suffer financially in order to live a life of quality.

However, there are a couple of things that you need to do in order to ensure that this DOES HAPPEN.

First - you must eliminate all of your debt as quickly as possible.  You can ask a debt planner to help or you can do it yourself.

Second - you must TRAIN YOURSELF to live a simple life and that you do not have to have the best of everything to enjoy life.

Third - only purchase those items you absolutely need in order to live your life.  The basics...  for instance, how many pairs of shoes do you really need?  Is it possible to bag your lunch instead of going out to eat?  Do you really need to spend a week at the beach - will five days do?

Fourth - learn to save not just for a later purchase but for your retirement.  Only invest in mutual funds and plan never to remove your money.

Fifth - eat healthy and exercise.

Sixth - look for bargains.  Use coupons.  Think substitutes.

Seventh - do not buy life insurance...  but if you need to for some reason, only buy term.

Eighth - think about buy a house and trading up every 3-5 years...  making only those improvements that will increase the value of your home like in the kitchen and bathrooms.

Ninth - get employment with a company that helps with your retirement and stay there until you retire...  OR, change jobs and companies every 3-5 years making sure that you acquire skills with your previous employer.

Tenth - Don't ever look back.  Always look ahead and PLAN often.  This plan should always include a budget and you should always be looking at ways to reduce your expenses.  Use those reductions to pay off debt or save for retirement.

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