Thursday, July 27

Corruption in Washington DC

 A few years ago, President Bill Clinton was caught lying to Congress about having sexual relations with an intern.  Bill Clinton is a Democrat and nothing happened to him.

A few years later, his wife Hillary Clinton, then Secretary of State, lied about using a private server at her home and not only destroyed thousands of messages but damaged hard disk drives so that not data could be retrieved.  She is a Democrat and nothing happened to her.

She was also neck deep in another scandal called WHITE WATER which again was covered up by the mainstream media or at least swept under the rug.  To this day, we still don't know if she is really innocent or guilty.

Obama has managed to stay out of trouble while he was President and was well liked by the media as well...  so, if anything was questionable, it was probably swept under the rug as well.  Obama is a Democrat.

Donald Trump who is not a lifelong politician and who promised to DRAIN THE SWAMP in Washington DC because of all the corruption and shady deals that were going on has been attacked by the Democrats, the mainstream media, the DOJ, and the FBI during the four years he was President and over two years after he left the Presidency.  He is a Republican.

If you look at the data, not the evidence because the evidence can be manipulated, it is obvious that the DEMOCRATIC PARTY is being protected in the USA...

It is also humorous that the Democratic Party wants to heavily tax the wealthy to provide social programs, knowing that the wealthy have their money sheltered in off shore bank accounts and will never be paying any extra taxes.


Sometimes, I really do believe that the general public in the USA is getting what they deserve....

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