Sunday, July 9

Not Knowing What We Don't Know

I believe in a Creator.  I believe that extraterrestrials visited earth thousands of years ago and MESSED with our DNA creating the human being that we are today.  They then created a religion around the concept that God created humans in his own image.  There are two sides to a human being and not just male and female but good and bad, so to speak...  what some may call YING and YANG.  Therefore, God must have a good and bad side just like we do.  And, if that is the case, then another story was created about the snake in the garden of Eden and the Tree of Knowledge to cover up the fact that God gave us a bad side as well as a good side.

What bothers me more about these stories is not the fact that they came from extraterrestrials but that if you believe in the religion (God) then you give up your FREE WILL...  now, why would a God give us free will and then create a situation where we give up our free will to believe in them?

If Jesus exercised his free will then h would not have allowed himself to be crucified on the cross...  yet, that is exactly what he did.

Adam and Eve did not have free will (choice) because they only had good and good to choose from until they took a bite of the apple.  That bite gave them the ability to see evil and start making choices...  that God wanted to later take away if you agree to believe in him.


If his kingdom was not of this world then of what world was it?

No one, in my experience, has ever asked that question...


To what does this refer?   THE UNIVERSE?

However, there is another explanation about Jesus and God and that is that they are MULTI-DIMENSIONAL CREATURES...

Several scientists believe that there are multiple dimensions, not just the dimension in which we live...  but, parallel universes so to speak.  

If that is the case is that why God appeared as a lightening storm or a thunder cloud?

When it comes to this, WE DON'T KNOW WHAT WE DON'T KNOW...

The only way to know that truth is for us to DIE...  and then there is no guarantees, that in death we will become AWARE.

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