Thursday, July 6

Early Universe Had Slower Time

A phenomenon called cosmological time dilation means that events taking place in the early universe seem to evolve slower than those today.

Time seems to have ticked more slowly when the universe was young, according to observations of ancient astronomical objects that appear to evolve at a fifth of the rate we see today.

The idea that time appears to be slower in the past sounds odd, but it is a direct consequence of the expansion of the universe since the big bang. This expansion means that light from ancient cosmic events must travel increasingly longer distances to reach Earth, and therefore takes more time to arrive. 

As a result, cosmic events that are extremely distant or far back in time appear to unfold more slowly compared to the same event happening nearby, right now. 

That isn’t to say the early universe was in slow motion, however – anyone present billions of years ago would have seen time evolving normally. Source: New Scientist (for registered users) TO READ MORE, CLICK HERE...

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