Tuesday, May 9

The Future's Future looks Uncertain

 At 75 years of age, I figure that I am going to live no more than 20 more years...  or somewhere around 90-95.  With that said, there are certain things that I can tell you FOR SURE that I WILL NOT DO...

I will not:

  1. support socialism
  2. buy an electric or hybrid vehicle
  3. support reparations for blacks
  4. support equity programs for blacks
  5. vote of a democrat/liberal
  6. support WOKE
  7. feel guilty about slavery
  8. support CRT
  9. see China as anything but an enemy
  10. support biologicals males in female sports
  11. support the end of petroleum crude oil
  12. support any kind of GREEN initiative

With this said, no one really gives a shit about what I think or what I will or will not support.  I know this but I am still going to voice my opinion and will still talk to as many people as I can find and share my feelings.

More than likely there are many others who feel like I do and if that is the case, then this GREAT COUNTRY OF OURS is really, really DIVIDED...  and that division is not healthy nor is it beneficial should another country try to take us over.  I will fight for those of like minds, but I will not fight for those of unlike minds.

Over the next 20 years, the USA will be dramatically changing and most of that change will be negative rather than positive.  Unfortunately, the negative consequences might not manifest themselves for several years...  but, whe they do, it will be hell to pay.

Once I get past 80/85, I will no longer care what happens, because I will not be around to see it.  Bear in mind that sometimes those with the least to lose can see issues that the others cannot...  especially those who have lots to lose and their choices are based upon that loss.

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