Monday, May 22

Majority Rules(?) or Minority Rules(?)

Demographics in the USA 2022:

60%  White, non-Hispanic or Latino

19%  Hispanic or Latino

12%  Black or African American

06%  Asian

03%  Other


According to the DEMOGRAPHIC DATA, the white, non-Hipanic/Latino population should have the majority rule in this country...  However, the Blacks, who only represent 12%, are making the claim that because white comprise the biggest population that this is WHITE SUPREMACY...  and not DEMOCRACY.

The Blacks who only represent 12% if the US Population want to control the country...   They justify this because of how they were treated during slavery, also making the claim that WHITES are continuing to treat them as slaves because they have the MAJORITY.

THAT'S BULLSHIT...  plain and simple...

WOKE - CRT - BLM - 1619 and all the other crap that the Blacks are pulling out of their rearends is nothing more that A MINORITY trying to control the MAJORITY and using SLAVERY as the excuse and/or rationale for their movement.

THE MAJORITY RULES...  plain and simple...


With all the illegal immigrants coming across our southern and northern borders, it would appear that our HISPANIC and LATINO populations are going to increase substantially, putting the Blacks and African Americans farther down on the Demographic Data Pile....

The only reason why the BLACKS are getting what they want right now is because there is a DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT and numerous DEMOCRATIC GOVERNORS....   When those positions change to REPUBLICAN, the WHITE SUPREMACY game, let's have EQUITY will be over...

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