Sunday, May 28

Speed of LIfe

What I find interesting is that each day has the same number of hours and minutes as the day before and the day after, and yet, as one gets older, time seems to move by quicker and quicker...  but, that is impossible as it moves at the same speed that it has always moved.

Age 20 and younger, time seems to move by slowly especially if you are waiting for something like a birthday or if you are in a bad situation in the classroom and you just want the day to end.

Around ages 40-50, time seems to be just right  except for vacations.  Vacations at any age always seems to move slow, unless you are on a vacation you don't like.

Ages 60 and over, time seems to move by quicker and quicker each year.  For instance, my 60th birth seems like it happened only a few years ago.  I remember it well because that was when I was diagnosed with cancer.  But, my age is 75 and it just does not seem like 15 years has passed when it is more like 3-5.

At the speed at which time flies by now, I'll be 80 soon, then 90 and will seriously begin wondering how many more years do I have left.

So far, I have no looked back and REGRETTED ANYTHING that I did or did not do.  I don't regret my choices because at the time, I thought they were good ones or the only ones available.

What bothers me more than anything else is physically not being able to do what I use to do and having to ask someone else to do it for me.  I have never had to ask that before.

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