Wednesday, May 24


 Americans are impressed with big or large when it comes to buying and owning stuff.  We want a big house, a big car, a big swimming pool; we want big meals, big deserts, lots of clothes, and lots of shoes.  But, depending upon where we live the yards that our big houses are sitting upon are relatively small, typically mowing and trimming in an hour.

Most of the Americans that eat big meals and drink lots of beer or other alcohol have big bodies that a doctor would refer to as OBESE...   and, those of us who are in this big category, spending NO TIME at all exercising...  therefore, our big bodies get BIGGER.

Most of the males (but not all) want women with big breasts...  and I am not sure why because anything over a handful is wasted...  still that is what we want and once we have the female with big breasts, we get bored with those big breasts relatively quickly.  However, when we are out in public, those big breasts cause lots of attention from the other males who wish they had a date with big breasts.

Most of the women (but not all) do not really like their big breasts after they turn 40 and seek out a doctor who will perform breast reduction surgery.  Those females who do not get a breast reduction find that by the time they are 60, those big breasts of theirs hang down like the balls on a hound dog, sometimes drooping down to their waist or below.

Executives measure their success in a variety of ways:

  1. Their big salaries
  2. Their big offices
  3. Their big number of employees they supervise
  4. Their big compensation packages
  5. Their power and influence
  6. Their big amount of assets/toys they own
  7. Their big homes
  8. Their big egos

Those of us who are not obsessed with BIG, realize that there is absolutely no need to have more that you need.  Having more, makes you spend more and when you spend more, you want more.  This viscous circle causes us to make irrational and illogical decisions because we are motivated by BIG. 

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