Tuesday, May 16

The Endless Game of Life

What bothers me more than anything else in life, aside from Liberal Stupidity, is that I had no say so in my birth.  I had no choice in my skin color, in my personality, in my mental or physical abilities, my location, or the year that I was going to be born into.

While my choices were my own and may have been influence by others and events like the Vietnam War, I am convinced that my life is predetermined and that who I am today and will be in the future had already been decided before my birth.  Of course, there are many people smarter than me who disagree with me...  but, this is what I believe.

Because of my birth, I was automatically put into a situation where I was given so many years to live.  After which, I die but who really knows what happens then with my spirit.  Does it enter another body?  Does it live forever as a spirit?  Does it float aimlessly in the universe?  Can it travel between dimensions or back and forth in time?  Can it travel to other galaxies?

No one really knows those answers but to me they are valid questions.  In the meantime, I am here on earth, in the USA, in the state of Tennessee, living in a community that is full of other retirees, spending the last 20 years of my life, differently than I spent the first 74 years of life.

What exactly does that mean?

First of all, I am retired...  not working for myself or for an employer.  Receiving social security and living off my savings for the rest.  I retired in 2015, So, I am in my 8th year of retirement.

Second of all, my health is not the best although I feel relatively healthy, mainly because I eat healthy and exercise.  But, I am fighting cancer, have had a massive heart attack, and had 5 lower back disks fused a year ago which has dramatically altered my lifestyle.  Others may not be as fortunate as me.

Third of all, my days are all pretty much the same.  I wake up anywhere from 7am to 9am, drink coffee while watching the news, work on my blogs and novels, walk, cook meals for a couple of days, watch no more than 1-2 hours of a series or 1 movie, then I am off to bed.

This routine might change if there is a doctor's appointment, or my wife and I need to do some shopping.  It could also be disrupted by neighbors in the community who want to visit, or if we decide to go out to eat.

Obviously, when we go on vacation this routine is violated.  We have traveled all over but recently we have just been spending a week or two at Myrtle Beach.

Finally this routine is violated with yardwork which typically happens once a week from April to October/November.  Yardwork usually lasts about 2 hours and consists of mowing and trimming.

There is one good issue here that I failed to mention and that is that I am never bored and/or sit around trying to think of something to do.

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