Wednesday, May 10

Spoil the Southern Charm

 It is true that at 75 years of age, I ain't got much time left on this here earth...  maybe 20 years if I am lucky.   Since there is not much time left, not many people are going to listen to my concerns.  But, one issue that will always be true is that life in the SOUTHEASTERN SOUTHERN STATES is different than anywhere else in the entire US of A.  These states include:

  1. North Carolina
  2. South Carolina
  3. Georgia
  4. Florida
  5. Alabama
  6. Mississippi
  7. Louisiana
  8. Tennessee
  9. Arkansas
Virginia and Kentucky are borderline states and if they were included it would only be the southern half of the states.  The eastern part of Texas might also be included but once you get to the center of the state, a completely new attitude develops that relates more to the central USA which then picks up Mexico's personality which is not even close to the south.

Half of my life was lived in NC and the other half TN and these two states have fundamental differences as well with how they perceive life and the environment around them.

Southerners don't take kindly to the federal government, are avid supporters of the second amendment, are somewhat religious, and absolutely do not want their taxes raised.  A small government that does not interfere in our lives is what we would prefer.

It is not just notherners like we dislike, but liberals from the west coast, specifically from California.  We have tolerated immigrants from our southern borders (not just Mexico) but fear that if too many of them decide to live in the south, that our way of life will change also.

Because, they will want to live in the USA just like they lived in the countries they left.  Several families living in one house.  Several cars parked out front, along with all the trash and junk they store in their yards, makes the area look like a SLUM AREA.  Immigrants do not seem to have respect for their property or the land on which they live.

Who wants a neighbor like that living beside them, bring down property values?

Most of the southern elderly folks are AFRAID of all the crime and violence that immigrants will bring into this country with them,  not to mention HEALTH ISSUES.  Those kinds of immigrants do not get the immunization shots in their countries before they leave.  Their country does not require them.

My guess is that as these immigrants move into areas, the residents who are currently living there will move out.  Once these property tax owners start moving out, the local governments will be collecting less taxes.  That will not be good for those that remain when it comes to fire and police protection.

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