Friday, May 5

A United America Divided

The phrase, UNITED WE STAND--DIVIDED WE FALL, has been attributed to the ancient Greek storyteller Aesop, both directly in his fable "The Four Oxen and the Lion" and indirectly in "The Bundle of Sticks". A similar phrase also appears in the biblical "New Testament" – translated into English from the historic Greek in Mark 3:25 as "And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand".

However, Americans typically think that it originated with them, specifically John Dickinson, one of our Founding Fathers... I have always found it amazing how ARROGRANT Americans try to be when it comes to showing our best side to the rest of the world.

The point here is that the phrase has a long tradition of usefulness that has typically relied upon history to prove its validity. That validity has been proven over and over again.

American leaders allow their country to remain divided.
"Stupid is as stupid does..." Forrest Gump

How is America DIVIDED?
  1. Wealthy versus not wealthy
  2. Liberal versus conservative
  3. Black versus white
  4. Northerners versus Southerners
  5. Christians versus non christians
  6. Educated versus non educated
  7. Males versus females
  8. Trans versus non trans
  9. Married versus single
  10. Old versus young

Politicians keep talking about how we need to unify the country but it is all talk because no one ever does anything about it.  That is really sad, but not half as sad as we are going to be when CHINA eats our lunch.  

If I was an adversay of America, now is when I would be attacking the country...  Blacks ain't gonna fight for the whites and whites ain't gonna fight for the blacks.  Screw them...  Screw each other...

Right now the country is obsessed with green energy and electric vehicles and are not looking past their noses to see if we have the frigging infrastructure to support those electric cars.

BUT more importantly is the anger that we are causing around the world because of our war on fossil fuels...  it has pissed off:
  1. Saudi Arabia
  2. China
  3. India
  4. Russia
  5. Brazil
  6. South Africa
  7. Iran/Iraq
  8. North Korea
Are we UNITED HERE IN AMERICA to do battle with these countries?
Will our WOKE military rise to the occassion?
Will the left support a war?
Will the wealthy support a war?


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