Wednesday, May 18


Not sure which word should come first to signify importance because they both are equally important and to demonstrate why these two words are critical to my way of thinking let me say that I TRUST NEITHER POLITICAL PARTY nor do I believe EITHER POLITICAL PARTY TELLS THE TRUTH...

Without trust, there can be no truth and without truth, there can be no trust...

For me it is just that simple.

Trump had some sound economic policies but his mouth and opinion not just got him into trouble but it left me feeling that I could not trust him nor did I believe he was telling the truth.  Very few businessmen are successful if they are constantly telling the truth...  by definition, businesses have to withhold information in order to be successful and keep their strategies from their competitors.

Biden on the other hand, has been lying from the get-go...  and his decision in Afghanistan was painfully stupid...  plus, how much do you trust someone who blames everything that is happening on someone or someone else?  NOT MUCH!  Biden has given us Inflation, Equity not Equality, Illegal Immigration, Increased Violence and Crime, while presenting military weakness to the rest of the world...

TRUST AND TRUTH...  where are they?

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