Saturday, May 14



Vladamir Putin has got to be seen by the rest of the world as not just a BULLY but an incompetent warrior in the truest sense of the word...  

and, it is not just Putin that is seen as a clown bully, but his army has not been able to accomplish most of its militaristic goals...  

and, the Russian people have been lied to as they have been told that the Russian army is fighting NAZIs...  

how stupid can a population become?  

If the government controls the media, then the government conveys to its people only that which they want the people to know and believe.

What amazes me more than Russia's inability to conquer Ukraine, is China's continued desire to partner with Russia in their conquest to RULE THE WORLD...  That does not say much for China's decision-making ability...  now, does it?

It is time for the USA to start kicking some butt.

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