Friday, April 8

On Being Caucasian


"U ain't WOKE bro..."

"Bro...  I b  WOKE as I wanna b..."

Woke (/ˈwoʊk/ WOHK) is an English adjective meaning 'alert to racial prejudice and discrimination' that originated in African-American Vernacular English (AAVE). Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as sexism, and has also been used as shorthand for left-wing ideas involving identity politics and social justice, such as the notion of white privilege and slavery reparations for African Americans.    SOURCE:  Wikipedia

As an English major in college, I have problems with the phrase:  STAY WOKE...  it is ok to be racially aware and try one's best not to be prejudiced when dealing with minorities...  but, it is another thing to talk about and write as if you are grammatically illiterate.  I just turn my mind off when I hear something like that...

Being Woke or staying Woke pisses me off more than it should because I don't give a flying flip about what my ancestors may or may not have done from 1776 until 1865...  They were not me and I was not them...  I am not sure if I give a shit about what my father or my grandfather may or may not have done for the same reason(s).  And, I feel confident that my daughter does not give a shit about what I should or should not have done.

In point of fact, the black population in the USA is only 12% of the total while the white population in the USA is 60%...  and, while I am not gifted in math, I believe the white population is FIVE TIMES GREATER than the black population...  Of course, the white population does not include Hispanics or multi-racial (whatever the hell that means).

Wealthy blacks don't bitch as loud as non-wealthy blacks...  I wonder why that is?

As this continues to flow through our society, I fear that America will become more un-unified than it already is and could possibly take us into some sort of internal civil war between whites and blacks.  In my humble opinion that internal civil war should be between the HAVES and the HAVE NOTS...  this is the soul and core of our problem...

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