Sunday, April 24

Off My Rocker

 There was a time in the not too distant past when I spent almost all my waking moments outside, especially during the months of April through November and sometimes December...  those moments are receding almost as fast as my hairline...

My first issues were heart attack and cancer which kept me mostly inside unless I was wearing clothes that covered most of my skin, protecting it from the sun.  Recently, I began to experience difficulty in walking especially when I had not been drinking and an orthopedic doctor suggested an MRI and thought it might be L5/L6 or maybe even L4.

Well shit, that eliminated the rest of my time outside...  I was outside today attempting to hook up our water hoses so that they would not leak which is normally not a big deal but because of my penguin walk and inability to lift my legs up high enough, I tripped over the hose numerous times, beating up my knees...

So, here I am back inside wishing I was back outside doing something but hell there ain't much a damn ole handicapped man like myself can do...

My MRI is Wednesday and it will be another week because the results will be shared...  but, I am leaning towards surgery rather than injections...  several people have told me injections don't last long, and while surgery instantly eliminates flexibility, at least it is over...

Stay young as long as you can...  and when you are young be careful what the hell you do because the physical life I lead when I was younger is what's causing all my physical problems now that I am older...  Now that's a pisser!!!

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