Sunday, April 17

Some Passing Thoughts as You Walk With Me...

Some thoughts about Easter Sunday...  if you don't mind...

I began a novel a few years ago that had the title YOU CANNOT GET THERE FROM HERE...  it was going to be a religious novel of sorts that focused on the trinity of man:  the heart...  the soul...  the mind...

I had not decided if it was going to be a self-help type of novel or a fictional novel but I was damn sure that it was going to revolve around the stages through which everyone passes.  These stages are:

  • unconscious perfection
  • unconscious imperfection
  • conscious imperfection
  • conscious perfection
Unconscious perfection happens to us at the moment of our birth and lasts a good year or two.  We then go about our lives for several years completely unaware that we are imperfect, but somewhere during our so-called maturity, we adopt the personality of Hamlet and come to realize that we are consciously imperfect.

I would say that in the Southern Baptist tradition that becoming BORN AGAIN is realizing that we are imperfect and we use our religious faith in a relentless but fruitless attempt to become perfect...  to become more Jesus Christ-like as long as we do not have to endure the pain and suffering that he endured on the cross.

We never really get there...  because human beings are flawed from the get-go with original sin and there is nothing that we can do to change that...  and, therein lies our problem.

The more wealthy we become, the harder it is to become or attain the level of being consciously perfect like Jesus Christ.

We hold on to what we have, not wanting to give anything up, even though we may increase our tithe as our wealth increases... but, it is not the tithe, or the faith, or the belief that gets us there.

It is the inner awareness that we have inside ourselves...  the inner awareness that revolves around the mind, the body, and the soul...  and, it is that trinity that is the most difficult to understand and master.

How long can we keep our minds empty of the thoughts that we carry around inside them during the day?  Have you ever tried it?  Were you successful?

And what about our bodies...  our physical bodies...  how well do we care for them?  Diet...  Exercise...  Relaxation...  Sleep...  Are we satisfied with the bodies that we have been given or do we try to change them...  enhance them...  make them better or at least different?

Then there is the soul...  and, my goodness...  what the hell is the soul?  We cannot see it...  We cannot feel it...  We are not really sure if scientifically that we actually have a soul, are we?  Is the soul our consciousness or our unconsciousness or both?  How do we feed it?  Train it?
Is the soul our ID?  Ego?  Super Ego?  But, I am confident that are hundreds if not thousands of articles, essays, and books that have tried to explain what the soul is or is not...  Of course, one PhD will explain it this way while another PhD will disagree and explain it another way.  Who is right?  wrong?

Who earned their PhD first might be the best way to decide...  or not...

Maybe the soul is simply that which we believe...  and that would include people that don't believe because not believing is actually a belief...

So, how does this shit relate to Easter Sunday anyway?  It is the mind component of the trinity...  and, perhaps the soul component as well.  And, since the mind controls the body, then the body component of the trinity is also included...  In short, the trinity overlaps with its three components like an atom (proton, neutron, electron).  As a matter of fact, the atom is a perfect example of this trinity and its interrelatedness.

And like the atom, the mind-body-soul can be further broken down into subcomponents that might be correlated with energy strings whose movements are random until they are observed.  It is this theory that gives us multiple dimensions and a multiverse...

And this relates the Easter Sunday how?
Just as the path of strings becomes fixed when being observed, the path of humans is fixed through prayer...  and it is the prayer that undergirds, strengthens, and unites the mind-body-soul.

I have just shared the tip of the iceberg with you!!!


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