Thursday, April 14

Don't Talk About This...


Doctors see hundreds of patients each month and thousands of patients each year...  how can they possibly be expected to remember you unless you have been their patient for over 10 years...  but, even then do they actually remember what has taken place between today's visit and your last visit?

IN POINT OF FACT:  they don't remember which is why you sit in the exam room for several minutes while they review the notes from your previous visit and any relevant information about you that they have just received.

They then rely on their medical knowledge and instincts to bullshit their way through the visit.

I am having an MRI done (after waiting 2 months because I am predisposed to anxiety and need to be sedated) and my original follow-up visit was 2 days after the MRI which was perfect.

BUT my orthopedic doctor is not available to tell me what's going on that day for some reason and I have been pushed out over a week....

He cannot give a damn about each and everyone of his patients otherwise it would drive him crazy after constantly having to disappoint him...  as he lives his own life.

Therefore, you must manage your own healthcare and have backup plans in place so that when you get screwed by one, you can flip the switch and go to another...


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