Friday, July 10
Thursday, July 9
The Aftermath of Recent Events
The COVID-19 Pandemic Hit USA
The US Economy Shuts Down
The Killing of George Floyd
The Black Lives Matter Movement
Defund Police Departments
Reopening the US Economy
These are the issues that the General Public must deal with going into the 2020 Presidential Election to take place in November. The General Public, not the Mainstream Media or the Political Polls, must decide in the privacy of their own homes, apartments, or wherever they live which Presidential Candidate is the best choice to take this country forward... and, I am not that confident that it will be a matter of just voting along Political Party lines.... that is to say that Trump has his good and bad points and Biden has shifted more liberal and progressive than he first appeared to be.
1. Do you want your taxes to increase?
2. Do you want to defund the police?
3. Do you want a Socialistic Government?
4. Do you want to rewrite the US Constitution?
5. Do you want a GREEN NEW DEAL?
6. Do you want Economic Equality?
7. Do you want to limit Corporate Profits?
These four newly elected members of Congress want to create a:
Of course, most of America is ignoring these 4 ladies and their opinions but the MAINSTREAM MEDIA is spinning their ideas as the CORE IDEALS of the Democratic Party and that Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House has NO CONTROL over these 4 ladies at all...
IN essence, they was an economic system where everyone basically earns the same amount of money and therefore has the same opportunities as everyone else... so that, everyone earns $100,000 or $150,000 regardless of what they do...
This way, minorities no longer have to struggle economically and can wear fancy clothes, own luxury cars, be given the same size home that everyone else has, and own a vacation home either at the beach or in the mountains.
- This would make education irrelevant
- This would make experience irrelevant
- This would make technical skills irrelevant
- This would make athletic skills irrelevant
- This would make musical skills irrelevant
- This would make acting skills irrelevant
NOW, as far as the new government is concerned... well, we first have to demolish the old form of government which would mean abolishing the US CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS, the AMERICAN FLAG... for starters... but, I am not sure how that would impact our military branches, our Coast Guard and our National Guard.
We already know that there is a movement underway, endorsed by COLLEGE PROFESSORS to take money away from the police and give to POOR COMMUNITIES... This would elevate the POOR COMMUNITIES into WELL-TO-DO COMMUNITIES and there would not longer be a need for the police.
HOWEVER, the 4 ladies have over-looked ILLEGAL DRUG SALES, PIMPS and WHORES, and HUMAN TRAFFICKING that is rampant all over the USA especially in many of these communities that these 4 ladies want to transform...
I doubt very seriously if the MEXICAN DRUG CARTEL or the RUSSIAN MAFIA or the JAPANESE YAKUZA really gives a damn about what these 4 ladies want.
BUT HEY... this is just one man's opinion....
And, I have not yet touched on CAPITALISM and the growing popularity of LEGAL MARIJUANA...
Wednesday, July 8
I'm Not Sure What I Am Around the House
I used to call my electric drill an electric drill and I used to call my cordless drill a cordless drill... but, apparently, I have been wrong all these years because my drills are not just drills they are DRILL DRIVERS... and, when I went looking for an impact drill today in Lowe's I was informed that I was not looking for an impact drill but an IMPACT DRIVER... and, I could either get a 1/4 inch impact driver or a 1/2 inch drill driver of which they were out of stock, leaving my choices rather limited.
It would also appear that they no longer (and I could be mistaken here) a variable chuck that accommodates all sizes of drill bits from 1/4 to 1/2 but you get a quick release chuck that either holds the 1/4 inch bit or the 1/2 inch bit; however, there is a holder (adapter) that my Lowe's Customer Service Buddy failed to mention that allows the user to have a 1/2 inch drill bit operating in a 1/4 inch drill...
I am not a handyman around the house and I never wanted to be a handyman around the house like my father was and my sister's second husband still is... I understand that as a handyman around the house, one can save "tons" of money on home repairs and refurbishing but I just never wanted to be that kind of guy... my first wife was ok with that but my second wife is not... hence the need to buy an impact drill... I mean driver...
I have tried to explain to her over and over again that,
- I am not a carpenter
- I am not an electrician
- I am not a plumber
- I am not a brick layer
- I don't repair lawn mowers, vehicles, washing machines, dryers, refrigerators, or microwaves...
HOWEVER, I can build her a damn computer
because I trained as a PC Technician for two
years but it has been so long since I build one,
I doubt if I remember much.
Tuesday, July 7
An American Crime
If you had time to research and study everything that was available in libraries including the Library of Congress, you would see quite easily that everything revolves around HISTORY including the creation of the universe and the creation of mankind and if you were to SUMMARIZE that HISTORY with one word, it would probably be SURVIVAL...
Our online dictionary defines SURVIVAL as the state or fact of continuing to live or exist, typically in spite of an accident, ordeal, or difficult circumstances.
Continuing to Exist is the key phrase here... and, as mentioned can be traced back to the beginning of time if necessary.
Life itself is violent as it continues to survive whether it be plants, animals, or humans.
Human beings ever since their creation or evolutionary existence, regardless of their race, gender, and color have struggled to survive and have used others in that process whether the be equals or slaves... and, we can see evidence quite easily in Egypt where one race of people enslaved another race of people to build the pyramids... and yet, all artifacts relative to that enslavement have been preserved but none destroyed because of the guilt of the past.
Why are American Blacks different from African Blacks and the African Slaves that built the pyramids in Egypt... I lived in Egypt for 4 years and never witnessed any hysteria over the fact that Egyptians once owned and became powerful and wealthy because they had once owned and used slaves....
Why is American any different?
Don't we set the role model for the rest of the world to follow and/or emulate.
How embarrassing to all the HISTORIANS... that survival has become an American Crime.
Our online dictionary defines SURVIVAL as the state or fact of continuing to live or exist, typically in spite of an accident, ordeal, or difficult circumstances.
Continuing to Exist is the key phrase here... and, as mentioned can be traced back to the beginning of time if necessary.
Life itself is violent as it continues to survive whether it be plants, animals, or humans.
Human beings ever since their creation or evolutionary existence, regardless of their race, gender, and color have struggled to survive and have used others in that process whether the be equals or slaves... and, we can see evidence quite easily in Egypt where one race of people enslaved another race of people to build the pyramids... and yet, all artifacts relative to that enslavement have been preserved but none destroyed because of the guilt of the past.
Why are American Blacks different from African Blacks and the African Slaves that built the pyramids in Egypt... I lived in Egypt for 4 years and never witnessed any hysteria over the fact that Egyptians once owned and became powerful and wealthy because they had once owned and used slaves....
Why is American any different?
Don't we set the role model for the rest of the world to follow and/or emulate.
How embarrassing to all the HISTORIANS... that survival has become an American Crime.
The Utter Simplicity of Economics
Let's start with a definition, shall we...
DEFINITION OF ECONOMICS -- The study of the allocation of scare resources to the marketplace that have multiple uses... In so doing, we can look at production, distribution, consumption, and wealth transfer.
But, let focus on a few KEY WORDS...
Study -- this is nothing more that collecting and analyzing data that pertains to the production, distribution, consumption, and wealth transfer regarding these scare resources.
Allocation -- is nothing more that looking at what item(s) go to what person or people and why.
Scarce Resources -- resources are always considered to be in scarce supply because no matter how fast or quickly we transport the resources to the marketplace, we simply cannot get them there all at one time.
Multiple Uses -- a resource is said to have multiple uses if it can be used for more than one thing like: eggs, flour, circuit breakers, rubber, petroleum oil, wood/lumber, glass, etc.
Supply and Demand dictate the price of a resource. For example, supplier want more money if they produce more products because it takes more raw materials and labor to produce those products. The line that we would draw would be like connecting the left bottom corner of a square to the top right corner of that same square...
This line is called the Supply Line.
Consumers, on the other hand, want to pay less for a product if they are willing to purchase several of them at one time. This line would be like connecting the bottom right corner of that same square to the upper left corner.
As you can see, we have just draw a BIG "X" in that box.
Where those two lines intersect, is the ideal price for that particular item. Supply and Demand lines can reflect one item at a time like Ford Escorts 1999 or multiple items at a time that the selling of all vehicles regardless of make and model and year.
So, people who study the economy and the allocation of our scarce resources are looking at all the factors that influence production, all the factors that influence distribution, all the factors that influence consumption, and all the factors that influence how money changes hands or wealth transfer in order to predict what the economy might do in the next 3 months or the next 6 months or for the next year.
Predicting what the economy may or may not do helps businesses decide if they should expand and hire more people or not expand and possibly layoff people. The reason that company are faced with these types of decisions is that most of our companies sell stock and those people who purchased that stock (Shareholders or Stockholders) did so with the promise of receiving a substantial dividend every 90 days. If the company fails to honor their promise to the Shareholders then the CEO of that company could possibly find himself or herself on the unemployment line.
There are two basic areas of Economics: MICRO (small) and MACRO (large) and basically can be explained like this:
- looking at the individual is MICRO
- looking at the family is MACRO
- looking at the family is MICRO
- looking at the community is MACRO
- looking at the community is MICRO
- looking at the city is MACRO
- looking at the city is MICRO
- looking at the region is MACRO
- looking at the region is MICRO
- looking at the State is MACRO
- looking at the State is MICRO
- looking at the USA is MACRO
- looking at the USA is MICRO
- looking at the world is MACRO
If prices of a particular item increase too high, then the consumer will find a substitute until the price returns to that point where they feel it is a good buy once again.
Sometimes, those who study economics CANNOT predict what they consumer is going to do at any given point-in-time which is why predictions and forecasts do not always work out. Think of it this way... In 2015 all the polls were reporting based upon data collected that Trump was going to lose the election.
Monday, July 6
Truth is Stranger Than Non Fiction
We, as Americans, both Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, and the so called Other... are only as aware of TRUTH as the MEDIA wants us to be... that is to say, if the media censors truth from the general public then the general public WILL NOT KNOW... and, how is that TRUTH... and, how is that honesty in journalistic reporting?
That's a rhetorical question because the answer is obvious.
There is no truth except what is being reported and of what is being reported what is actually believed is even more important.
Many people are told about Global Warming and Climate Change... but, what is actually believed by the general public then becomes the new truth.
Some politicians want to do something about Global Warming and Climate Change while other politicians do not... and, to make matters worse, some businesses want to do something while other businesses do not... even scientists disagree about Global Warming and Climate Change and what to do... so, what is the TRUTH?
That's a rhetorical question because the answer is obvious.
There is no truth except what is being reported and of what is being reported what is actually believed is even more important.
Many people are told about Global Warming and Climate Change... but, what is actually believed by the general public then becomes the new truth.
Some politicians want to do something about Global Warming and Climate Change while other politicians do not... and, to make matters worse, some businesses want to do something while other businesses do not... even scientists disagree about Global Warming and Climate Change and what to do... so, what is the TRUTH?
Sunday, July 5
American Black National Anthem written 1919
Lift Every Voice and Sing
'Til earth and heaven ring
Ring with the harmonies of Liberty
Let our rejoicing rise
High as the list'ning skies
Let it resound loud as the rolling sea
Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us
Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us
Facing the rising sun of our new day begun
Let us march on 'til victory is won
Stony the road we trod
Bitter the chastening rod
Felt in the days when hope unborn had died
Yet with a steady beat
Have not our weary feet
Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?
We have come over a way that with tears has been watered
We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered
Out from the gloomy past
'Til now we stand at last
Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast
Bitter the chastening rod
Felt in the days when hope unborn had died
Yet with a steady beat
Have not our weary feet
Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?
We have come over a way that with tears has been watered
We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered
Out from the gloomy past
'Til now we stand at last
Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast
God of our weary years
God of our silent tears
Thou who has brought us thus far on the way
Thou who has by Thy might
Led us into the light
Keep us forever in the path, we pray
Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee
Lest, our hearts drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee
Shadowed beneath Thy hand
May we forever stand
True to our God
True to our native land
God of our silent tears
Thou who has brought us thus far on the way
Thou who has by Thy might
Led us into the light
Keep us forever in the path, we pray
Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee
Lest, our hearts drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee
Shadowed beneath Thy hand
May we forever stand
True to our God
True to our native land
Blog Owner's Comments: As long as American Blacks have a Black National Anthem, the more resistance they will demonstrate to accept the American National Anthem and the more DIVISION will be created between the races, perpetuating RACISM...
Personally, according to the FIRST AMENDMENT of THE BILL OF RIGHTS incorporated into the US CONSTITUTION in 1776 when the Black Man was still a slave, all American Blacks just like all American Whites have a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to enjoy free speech and say whatever it is that they want...
AND... this constitutional right will continue to be enforced upheld by the COURTS until the US Constitution is rewritten and that First Amendment abolished like slavery.
Saturday, July 4
The 4th of July
It has taken me 72 years to realize this but we should not be expecting anyone to celebrate today other than American Whites... or Caucasians... or WASPS... as the United States of America's independence from Great Britain was, for all intents and purposes, just for the WHITE MAN, a name given to us by those Native Americans whose land this was before we STOLE it from them and made it our own.
And, what did the Native American get in return? A little land on a reservation and the ability to own Casinos...
And, while we were celebrating our VICTORY over the British, the BLACK MAN was a slave of the WHITE MAN and considered his property...
And, for our FOUNDING FATHERS, they were FREE and able to create a NEW NATION carved out from the image of their own IDEALS and BELIEFS, expecting whoever else was living in THEIR LAND to abide by what they had written down on paper and either presented to the British or to themselves and the people they now represented.
HISTORY records all of this.
HISTORY has preserved all of this.
HISTORY has become the TRUTH of the WHITE MAN...
So... today, I sit on my screened in back porch and as the cats sleep on the cat structures we purchased several years ago, I drink decaf coffee with sugar free French Vanilla Cappuccino Mix and ponder how frigging lucky I am to have been born a WHITE MAN in America, letting my sarcasm settle on the bottom of the cup with all the coffee grinds that escaped through the filter.
Yes... the WHITE MAN FREED the BLACK MAN in time
Yes... the WHITE MAN passed laws to allow the BLACK MAN to become an American Citizen
Yes... the WHITE MAN passed another law to give the BLACK MAN the right to vote
Yes... the WHITE MAN told the BLACK MAN that the US CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS belonged to him as well now
Yes... the WHITE MAN neither treated the BLACK MAN as FREE or as EQUAL
- over eat
- over consume alcohol
- over indulge in the holiday
- possibly tell a few "off color" jokes
- probably commit a little "sexual harassment" blaming it on the alcohol
- and expect all the minorities to EXALT him
TOMORROW, we will all look back at the passing of just another WHITE MAN'S HOLIDAY... but, for me, I will be thinking of all those who are not WHITE... and, I will think about the evils of slavery and the repercussions of slavery that have still not subsided... and, I will think of all the British Soldiers and Colonials who died so that a few WHITE MEN could be free of oppression from Great Britain while they continued to oppress the BLACK MAN.
Friday, July 3
The Pool Guy
While we were on vacation, our 24' round above ground pool motor stopped working probably because we had had so much rain that our pool was overflowing from the top and the 5 year old motor was being stressed more than it could handle. After having no water circulation for about 3 days, a new motor was installed but the pool guy notice a crack on the top valve was leaking water and ordered a new valve that was installed yesterday.
I was home and noticed the pool guy walking out to his car around the deck and assuming he had finished called out to him to ask a few questions before he left. When I got within 6 feet of him, he said, "You know you cannot wear a shirt like that out in public anymore," pointing to the T-shirt I was wearing. I looked down at my T-shirt as best as I could and smiled as I looked back at him, saying, "isn't that crazy... I had not thought much about it until you pointed it out."
We talked about how during the 8 years of the Obama Administration, none of this BLM stuff ever took place and there were numerous killings of black people by white cops... but, now that Trump is President, it is all somehow his fault.
The pool guy said that during the 10 years he has worked with him father, the only people they have to worry about not paying their bills are their black clients that all their white clients, Hispanic clients, Asian clients, and Native American clients always pay their bill on or before their due dates... but, if he mentions this to anyone, especially the black client that is not paying their bills on time, then he and his father are called RACISTS.
I was home and noticed the pool guy walking out to his car around the deck and assuming he had finished called out to him to ask a few questions before he left. When I got within 6 feet of him, he said, "You know you cannot wear a shirt like that out in public anymore," pointing to the T-shirt I was wearing. I looked down at my T-shirt as best as I could and smiled as I looked back at him, saying, "isn't that crazy... I had not thought much about it until you pointed it out."
We talked about how during the 8 years of the Obama Administration, none of this BLM stuff ever took place and there were numerous killings of black people by white cops... but, now that Trump is President, it is all somehow his fault.
The pool guy said that during the 10 years he has worked with him father, the only people they have to worry about not paying their bills are their black clients that all their white clients, Hispanic clients, Asian clients, and Native American clients always pay their bill on or before their due dates... but, if he mentions this to anyone, especially the black client that is not paying their bills on time, then he and his father are called RACISTS.
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