Friday, February 2

TRUMP off Ballot

Recently, I have read articles where retired judges and historians have made pleas to the SUPREME COURT to remove Trump from the 2024 Ballot because of the insurrection he allegedly caused.

While these judges and historians are well educated and experienced, they are forgetting one important facet of AMERICAN JUSTICE...


Without that stipulation, we would be like other communist countries and dictatorships where if the ruling party's enemies are causing problems, they are simply prevented from entering the competition, imprisoned, and or some cases KILLED.

50% of the people believe Trump is guilty
50% of the people believe Trump is innocent

Now, based upon what these retired judges and historians have to say, should we:
  • Remove Joe Biden from the Presidency because it is perceived he is corrupt and a Chinese puppet by 50% of the people?
  • Kick Nancy Pelosi out of congress because 50% of the people believe she got wealthy from insider trading of stocks?
  • Stop MSNBC from operating as a news agency as a result of not airing Trump's acceptance speech and 50% of the people believe they are censoring news from the general public?

I applaud these judge and historians coming forward and sharing their feelings, but because they want to violate a basic judicial principle, leads me to wonder if they are someone we can believe.

Find Trump guilty in a court of law by a jury of his peers (not a biased court or a biased jury) and I would be the first to say throw the SOB in jail...

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