Tuesday, February 27

WE, The People...

Giving everyone the feeling that this country revolves around them is a nice statement to make, but it has been a lie from the GETGO...

In other U.S. elections, candidates are elected directly by popular vote. But the president and vice president are not elected directly by citizens. Instead, they are chosen by "electors" through a process called the Electoral College. The process of using electors comes from the Constitution.

So, when you think you are voting for the President, you are not really...  even though there is a lot of hoopla around presidential elections.

It is possible and has happened that the Electoral College does not elect the President who was elected by the popular vote.

If you did not pay attention to your civics lessons in high school, you do not know this.

Our founding fathers did not TRUST the general public as they are easily motivated and do not take the time to properly research political candidates.  The Founding Fathers knew that WE THE PEOPLE would never really work when it came to Presidential elections.

Look at what has happened in this country leading up to the 2020 election...  the Democrats created a FALSE NARRATIVE about Trump's collusion with Russia.  IT WAS A LIE...  but a majority of the people believed it to be true.

Our Founding Fathers knew that the general public was basically stupid and naive...  the Electoral College was designed to compensate for that ignorance.

WE THE PEOPLE were just words on paper to make the naive people believe that they really had a say so in the US government...

GUESS WHAT?   We have been fooled all these years and continue to be fooled.

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