Monday, February 12

The World at WAR

There is a war in Ukraine started by the Russians...

There is a was in Israel (Gaza) started by Hamas...

There is a global war of sorts between pro-Palestinians and pro-Israel the likes of which has not been seen since the German Nazis in WWII...

There is a war in the Gulf of Aden started by the Houthis in Yemen...

There are wars in Africa between the African tribes to gain land and power...

There are wars in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq between Muslims trying to gain power and control over the other Muslim factions...

Iran is fighting a war with the Americans through their proxies in the middle east...

There are Drug Cartel wars in Mexico as the various cartels fight for control over the illegal drugs...

There is a war between China and the USA that is being waged in the global marketplace from an economic standpoint with the understanding that whoever wins the war will be able to influence the rest of the world...

There is an economic war between BRICS nations and the USA over using the US dollar for international trade, in the hopes of devaluing the US dollar....

There is a political war going on in the USA over illegal immigration between the Republican Governors and the federal government...

There is another political war taking place in the USA as the Democrats try to keep Donald Trump from winning the presidential election in 2024...

It is very doubtful that the war in the USA will evolve into another CIVIL WAR but there is a good likelihood that the war in the Middle East will evolve into WWIII as global countries take sides...

Which side are you on?


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